Yemaya and Oshun

Blessed Manifestation

Yemaya and Oshun

This month we celebrate the feast days of Yemaya and Oshun on September 7th and 8th, respectively. I share my story about how I came to work with them (or they with me), and I am very appreciative for all they’ve done for me. They’ve helped me out of some very dark and terrifying times. I would love to share more information with you on them, to dispel any notions or misconceptions.


Yemaya and Oshun are considered Orishas in many spiritual traditions, including ATR’s (African Traditional Religions), such as Santeria. There are many different meanings and paths, and I can only reference what I know from my own experience. Please do your own research; all paths are correct in their own way. Please also note I am not initiated into any ATR or spiritual tradition; I was baptized into the Catholic church as a child, but I do not consider myself to be “religious”. I am a Spiritualist and not identifying with any particular path gives me space to explore other traditions — this is part of my path and purpose.

As a child I had many spiritual encounters but unfortunately I did not have the resources to understand what they meant, and my parents would dismiss things I mentioned to them, possibly out of fear. But I did have some “visitations” from Oshun (at the time I did not know it was Her). I later as an adult began to have visitations from Yemaya, and She gave me a choice of how to venerate and work with Her. I believe Orishas are our connection to the Divine — kind of like a bridge to the most high (God, Universe, Source…whatever you identify that as). But the Orishas may have incarnated at some point or have a better understanding of the human experience than other high vibrational beings, and therefore are most connected to humans/humanity. I’ve had different encounters with different entities and some didn’t really understand certain things I told them, most likely because they had never incarnated before; they had no understanding of what it actually means (or feels) to be human — to have a body. But I believe the Orishas do. They get it.

A bit of Herstory

Unfortunately in many religions (and specifically what I have the most experience with; Christianity), ATR’s and other spiritual paths are demonized. They are seen as evil, or wicked; associated with “witchcraft” and therefore just plain bad. There is little room for a spectrum. If it’s “different” then it must be evil. But isn’t it interesting that within Christianity so many things were done in the name of “God”, to justify evil acts? The Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, Slavery? Just to name a few…Now I don’t mean any disrespect to any spiritual path or religion, but know your history. Don’t get it twisted; Christianity is a business, and a big one at that; most religions are. They don’t want to lose their “customers” by having them be open to other spiritual possibilities. As well, ATR’s are becoming more and more popular as folks are learning to get in touch with their ancestry, and realizing that a large part of the mental enslavement they have experienced in their lives is due to false narratives implanted into their subconsciouses by religions…but I digress…

Divine Mothers Yemaya and Oshun

Yemaya and Oshun are mothers of the waters; Yemaya of the oceans and Oshun of the sweet waters (rivers for example). Both sustain life in their own ways. Water cleanses, purifies, and also nourishes. We are all born from the waters in the womb. Water is our most vital and precious element, and one of the only things we have not been able to recreate without the help of nature. Both have their sweet, loving, and nurturing sides, and just like a protective mother, also have their moments of wrath. If you’re open to the messages they have for you, they can help and support you in ways you can’t even imagine.

I work with (and for) both of them through their Catholic counterparts, as Virgen de Regla/Our Lady of the Rule (Yemaya) and Virden de la Caridad del Cobre/Our Lady of Charity (Oshun). People of Color have had to learn over generations, how to hide their spiritual practices, especially through times of extreme oppression. Hiding the Orishas via the Saints is a method used within Santeria, and other spiritual practices.

I’ve you’ve been curious about communicating with them but don’t know where to start, I would first check-in with your intuition. Give yourself a vibe check; have you worked with/communicated with other spiritual beings before? Also where is this curiosity coming from? From a place of genuine interest or just based on a “trend”? If you work with your Ancestors and Spirit Guides, the next step I recommend is checking-in with them and asking them what they think. Maybe they will initiate contact for you, or will point you in another direction.

Are you a child of Yemaya or Oshun? Have you felt called by them (or other Orishas) but have been afraid to respond? Let me know your experiences in the comments.

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