Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-September 20 to September 26, 2021
Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for September 20 to September 26, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.
I will be posting a daily card on TikTok, and Youtube so find me on there and get a reminder of the energy for the day!
The overall energy this week:
We start this week with a Full Moon in Pisces, asking us to dig deep for the treasures within. We will be called to experience our relationships on a deeper level; either yearning for deeper bonds or wanting to create more authentic ones. Because Full Moons are about releasing, you may feel like cutting ties or ending toxic relationships, but there’s no need to rush into anything. Before burning bridges, get yourself anchored in love, so you can make a more informed decision — this way you can move from a stable place.
This Full Moon may inspire a need to “get lost” in a relationship, or fantasy, or even substances (like alcohol); boundaries may become blurred so your inhibitions may be lowered. This is a wonderful time to use this energy to go for the things that you may have felt too afraid to do before, such as tell someone you love them, or ask that person out on a date. Remember, before moving in any direction impulsively, just make sure you understand your why — balance your logic with your emotions. I recommend looking at your horoscopes to help you better understand how to work with this moon. My Sun and Rising signs are Earth signs, so I could use some grounding this week, but also allow myself to get swept up in the lovely moments, without getting carried away. When in doubt, let balance be your guide.
This lunation may also bring some wonderful dreams, especially with passed over loved ones, ancestors, and spirit guides. Keep a journal and pen nearby, to write down the messages they have for you.
This is a powerful week to get connected to Spirit on a deeper level. Ask your spiritual family to tell you clearly what they need from you, and also ask yourself what you need more of from Spirit. I mentioned in last week’s reading that this could be a great time to choose another life path for yourself (soul purpose), or update your soul contract (mission). Tell Spirit what you need in order to fulfill your life’s purpose here on Earth. Lean on Spirit, now more than ever, for Divine interventions and solutions.
Great blessings are here for us all — this is a time to protect yourself and all that you have built. If you aren’t already spiritually and energetically protecting yourself, find a way to do so ASAP. One of the easiest ways for me to receive spiritual protection is to ask Archangel Michael to watch over me, my home, and loved ones. I pray often to this Archangel for support. Find whichever spiritual means works for you. But in this week, double up on whatever you do. I have other things I do, such as energy cleansings — there are lots of little goblins floating around right now, just waiting for the right moment to rain on your parade. Don’t let them!
The more you succeed and receive, the more insecure you may feel. I get it, sometimes you receive the best and get scared that somehow it’ll all be taken away from you. Well guess what? Everything is temporary anyway, so just enjoy what you have when you have it. The point is, don’t focus on being so attached — just allow things to flow, as all things do in life. And remember that whatever leaves you is making space for something new and better. Try and shift your perspective around success; don’t hold yourself back just because you’re afraid those little goblins will mess everything up for you. Don’t be scared of the Abundance here for you now just because you may feel afraid of leaving people behind. Your job is to grow! Flourish! This will inspire others to do the same.
Lastly remember that your true worth isn’t based on what you have in the material world. Things come and go, as do people — this doesn’t mean anything negative about you. Remember all you have to be grateful for here and now, this way you’ll always have something to be grateful for; abundance will always flow back and forth, to and from you.
Monday, September 20th:
Your home is protected. Your family is protected. Your assets are protected. If you’ve been feeling insecure about your circumstances (possibly with respect to finances, or some of you may have been dealing with negative energies in your home) just know that all is well. All is being taken care of. Yes your needs are being met. Yes you will have material gain and support. Yes things are so much better than they seem; you have no reason to worry.
Tools and resources are on the way to you. You may receive an idea for a solution to a problem, regarding your home. Because of today’s Full Moon, pay attention to your dreams to see if the solutions come from there.
Spirit wants you to know that you are on the best path — you are aligned with your purpose. Continue to move forward, towards fulfillment — Spirit is guiding you there. Some of you may be moving into new homes; all the paperwork and negotiations will work in your favor. You are exactly where you need to be and the next move will become clear to you.
Spirit also wants you to know that your prayers are being heard, and answered. Continue to walk in faith, and be patient — everything is working out in perfect and Divine timing.
The action for today is to de-clutter your homes; make space for new energy. Cleanse your homes; purge of old items, and also do an energy clearing. Ask protective spirits, such as Archangel Michael, to protect and clear your home from all unwanted energies. Salt is another form of protection — you can place salt in the corners of your home, for example; there are plenty of ways to use this tool to cleanse.
Tuesday, September 21st:
There are many messages for today, so please read carefully to see which one applies to you:
Some of you may have recently experienced a material loss which left you shook — possibly you lost a job, or a home. As a result, you may be feeling extra attached to your material goods; possessive and maybe even obsessive. Please consider that whatever was taken from you is making space for something new and better; something stronger. Don’t take anything personally; whatever was taken from you did not have a solid foundation for you. Spirit always has your back and is guiding you towards a better path. Think about your life as a garden; if weeds are not taken out they will not allow room for other things to grow. Allow yourself the opportunity to release what is no longer in your life. If you find yourself still grieving this loss; possibly you experienced some shock and/or trauma as a result, please consider getting the help you need such as speaking to a therapist or even loved ones.
What is for you will never be withheld from you. Your garden is abundant and growing! Things come and go, as is the law of nature, and life. Things grow, and then we reap the harvest, making space for new fruits. Things die and then get replaced, in the regenerative cycles of nature. Your garden is always in a state of transition, as is your life. Your thoughts, vibrations, and intentions are what create the seeds, and what allows things to grow, or die, according to your will. What kinds of seeds are you willing to plant? What needs to be weeded out? What needs to be allowed to die? There is new life blossoming within you and all around you; are you willing to let it grow?
The action for today is to remember the power you hold to shift your thoughts and perspectives around circumstances. Life just is; don’t take anything personally. Continue to focus on what you want to create in your garden, so that you can continue to be nourished in all areas of life. Many of you are being led towards new (and better) financial opportunities; be open to receive. As well, be flexible on the forms your manifestations take.
Wednesday, September 22nd:
Love and harmony are here for you today, in all forms. Today is one for acts of love, and kindness.
Many of you are heading towards blessed romantic partnerships — be open to when love comes knocking on your door! This person may be more romantically inclined than you; more passionate than you — they will be more overt in their romantic gestures. You will know who this person is by how special they make you feel — they have no problem telling you how important you are to them. Or you are the one who wants to make the first move — go forward confidently!
If you are already in a romantic partnership, tell your person how you feel about them. Show them love and make them feel special, especially if they go out of their way for you. If you are usually the one with the romantic intentions, tell your partner they need to step it up! Plan a romantic date, or keep it simple with small gestures. This is a time to really tell your partner how you feel about them. Some of you will be taking your relationships to the next level, and heading towards marriage.
The action for today is to appreciate love in all the forms it takes for you. Appreciate the love currently in your life; reach out and tell your loved ones how you feel. As well, if you feel inclined to do so, pay it forward with acts of kindness, such as volunteering or donating to a worthy cause. Some of you may also feel motivated to take action towards a cause you are passionate about — find your tribe and get things going!
Thursday, September 23rd:
The Universe is bringing balance to your life, and for many of you, tipping the scales in your favor.
Many of you may have been blocked, or been put on pause, but now the energy is forward-moving again. Those blocks have been lifted and now you are free to continue on your path, towards fulfilment. I see many of you taking bold leaps of faith, ones that many of your tribe will not understand. You are heading towards greener pastures as you follow the call of your heart — you are supported!
Many of you will be receiving news of legal disputes coming to a positive conclusion, or contract negotiations finally being drafted — you hold the upper-hand.
Many of you will be receiving new opportunities, roles of power, or possibly promotions — you have what it takes to succeed! You are worthy of this opportunity.
If you’ve been wanting to create a business, go for it!
The action for today is to be open to receive. Be proud of the person you are and of your journey — you have every reason to be hopeful that everything is working in your favor! Be grateful for all of the blessings here for you now, and the ones to come. Be open to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually — don’t hold yourself back.
Friday, September 24th:
This is a day of victory! You have successfully completed a cycle. You’ve broken patterns and have gained wisdom; you are at a new stage in your personal power.
You now know what you need to know — you know yourself so much more. You understand your life on a more meaningful level. You have greater awareness and understanding of your patterns, so you can sense when to avoid a pitfall. You are in alignment — you have no reason to worry about making a mistake. If you’ve been unclear about an important decision, you have the power to gain clarity. Approach this situation as you’ve done with a similar situation from the past. You already have the skills and knowledge you seek.
The answer to your question is YES! Move forward confidently.
The action for today is to accept the doors open for you today. Continue to move forward in faith; Spirit applauds you! If you’ve been feeling called to share your wisdom with others, please do so! This is part of your purpose.
Saturday, September 25th:
I sense today is one for receiving — the energy is more passive as you gather the resources Spirit has for you. There is great inspiration heading your way — wonderful blessings — your cup is overflowing!
Your blessings are gifts from Spirit — never forget that. Be humble because these blessings bestowed on you are to help you fulfill your soul’s purpose; don’t take any blessing for granted, and don’t forget about the mission you feel called to complete.
Spirit is filling your cup, and it is overflowing so your abundance can be shared with others.
The action for today is to consider your soul purpose; what do you think that entails? What have you been inspired to create, or what wisdom are you being called to share? Answer these questions to gain more insight on your mission. Spirit is helping you fulfill this mission. Your blessings are meant to be shared with others — don’t hoard or else you will block the flow. Connect with the element of Water today, in any way you can. Be grateful for this valuable resource and the life it sustains here on earth. If you are able to (and you are), donate to an organization that deals with maintaining our waters clean.
Praise your Spiritual family in any way you can today — they aren’t asking for it, but this is what you do to those you love and help you, unconditionally. I sense they are helping us all in an extra potent way, possibly even more than ever before. Thank you Spirit!
Sunday, September 26th:
Spirit is asking you to trust them. Oftentimes you will be asked to do something unfamiliar, or enter into uncharted waters — Spirit sees all and knows all, and they have your back! Walk forward in faith where you are being guided to.
Trust with your heart, not your head. Trust with your intuition, not logic. Your mind won’t understand what it has never experienced, so allow yourself to be led with Love.
You are on a new adventure with Spirit; magic and treasures await! I like to think of this card as me showing up to a surprise party, in my honor. Life wants to shower you with wonderful surprises and gifts; let it!
Some of you will be asked to take leaps of faith, possibly making an important decision which you have no prior references for. Let your heart lead the way — how does this decision feel? Let that be your answer. Some of you may feel uncertain about new roles or opportunities you’ve been blessed with — you would not have received them if you weren’t qualified; go for it!
The action for today is to listen to Spirit, and show up for the party they have for you! Be open to receive! And don’t forget to give thanks.
Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.