Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-October 4 to October 10, 2021

Blessed Manifestation
11 min readOct 4, 2021


Hello my Blessed Manifestation family; happy October! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for October 4 to October 10, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Communication will be big this week, though not in the way you may be thinking. I’m talking more about Spiritual communication. We have entered into one of the most *magical* times of the year, where the veil between our worlds is the thinnest, and anything is possible. Spirit will be trying to communicate with you in much stronger ways this month, so if you are curious on what they have to say, pay attention.

This week focus on your authenticity — bring more of your true self to the forefront. You might not know exactly who you are, but you have a core idea of who you are — let more of who that person is shine through. You have changed, as have many of us, and so you may no longer connect with people like you used to. You may no longer have the same interests — that’s OK! Allow yourself to continue to understand yourself better, and accept yourself as you are. Don’t hold on to past people and circumstances just because you think they will not understand this person you’ve become.

A caterpillar can never understand what it means to be a butterfly, until they’ve taken the step to evolve.

Your current circle of friends and family will accept you in whatever way they can, and ultimately whoever cannot accept you will cease to be in your life — let them go on their own path because you have your own path as well.

We will be blessed with a New Moon this week, on the 6th — set intentions to be authentically you; to live life in your truth. Now, we are in the midst of Mercury retrograde and some other planets in retrograde as well so a word of caution — while you may want to let your “freak flag” fly, be discerning of where you do this and to who you present this version of yourself to. Communication is not the best right now so others may misunderstand your intentions. For example, you may feel called to be more authentically you in your workspace, but maybe the culture of your place of employment doesn’t necessarily agree with that version of yourself — are you willing to risk your job for the sake of authenticity? Maybe you are, and that’s OK; point is, take things slowly. Be you, but let your true self unfold in stages — you know who you are and that’s really all that matters.

Be extra careful with your words, towards yourself and others, because they will have extra power this week. Using techniques such as positive affirmations or mantras, can greatly help to raise your vibes. This is a time of harvest, so use your words to call in the fruits of your labor. Empower yourself and those around you — try to use your words to uplift and inspire, versus berating or criticizing.

Many of you will be walking away from people and circumstances that no longer serve you. You are stepping into your power and you know what you are worthy of. You are making space for bigger blessings — be proud of yourself!

Lastly, Spirit is also working with and through you to help you tap into your inner truth, and gifts. Connect with Spirit in any way you can this week in order to gain valuable insight.

I post each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube, if you’d like to check them out.

Monday, October 4:

This is a day of new energy and new beginnings! What a blessed way to start the week! Today’s card signals movement; this could be travel or a move to a physical location. This could be a move from one state of being or another. For many of you this ‘move’ is from one job to another, or one role to another; a promotion. You could be headed into a new opportunity or leadership role.

Spirit wants to show you the way forward, and this week would be opportune to connect with them on a deeper level so they can show you how. You may have been wanting to move into a new home, for example, but are uncertain on how to go about it — Spirit can show you the way.

The action for today is to pay attention to your dreams and ideas for creative solutions. Take notes on all ideas that come up for you. Use your favorite way to connect with Spirit today, and consider lighting a candle for them, to illuminate your path.

Tuesday, October 5:

A plethora of options are here for you. You may be soon receiving lots of choices, such as multiple job offers or business opportunities. There is a wave of good fortune coming your way! Give thanks and take a moment to weigh your options.

Spirit wants you to go with the options that inspire you, and maybe the ones which “scare” you a little bit. They encourage you to take the path less traveled, so possibly an opportunity that you are not fully familiar with. You may be presented with an opportunity that is like a “dream come true” but you don’t feel that you qualify for it, or maybe you feel intimidated by it. Whatever comes your way is because you are worthy of it! You have what it takes to succeed with any choice you make. If you feel this new opportunity or role is “bigger” than you, this is the one you are encouraged to take. Spirit wants you to reach for the stars and not hold back on your dreams! They will continue to push you out of your comfort zone, into new heights!

As well, Spirit wants you to know that there is always another option, or another way. If you feel torn between two options, for example, just know that there is another way or another perspective, which you haven’t considered yet.

The action for today is to take your time with making decisions, and make decisions from a place of inspiration, and excitement! Reach for your dreams — they are within sight!

Wednesday, October 6:

Today is one for reaping the harvest — relax in the knowing that everything you have planted has had some value in your life, or will have value in the days to come. The seeds you’ve sown are safe. What is for you will never be denied to you. Spirit wants you to know that you can count on them to support you with your finances.

Some of you are being encouraged to consider going back to school. Possibly you are considering a career switch, or you could benefit from brushing up on your trade skills. Focusing on education can greatly help with your job prospects. Some of you may even be considering becoming teachers. Take your time with these decisions, but don’t procrastinate on weighing your options. Don’t worry if you don’t yet know how you will afford to go back to school; make the decision and let Spirit lead the way.

The action for today is to trust that your finances are improving or will soon improve, and that you have many options and opportunities to consider. There is always more than enough. There is also a New Moon tonight, so set intentions to receive more moola!

Thursday, October 7:

Today is a lucky day! Thursdays are considered for many, a day of Jupiter — the planet of expansion and abundance. Today is wonderful for cleaning your homes; decluttering and energy clearing, to make space for money to come in. After you’ve cleaned and cleared, consider lighting a money candle or burning some money incense (for example, in a cinnamon scent) to increase your money mojo.

Money is coming in, in new and unexpected ways! Many of you will receive some unexpected funds — there will be a bit more cushion in your wallets, so enjoy this wealth! If you are someone who gambles, today will be opportune to do so. Pay attention to your dreams — Spirit wants you to win! You may dream up some lotto numbers or envision the specific games to play, or actions to take.

Go outside today and breathe in the fresh, magical air. Let it uplift you and remind you of the abundance all around you! Give thanks for everything in your life, and give back to your community whenever you can. You have a lot more than you think, and there is more on the way as long as you can remain in an abundant state. Try a Solar Plexus Chakra clearing meditation on Youtube, if you are feeling a bit insecure about your finances. There’s no need to worry!

The action for today is to spend time cleaning and clearing your spaces and energy, and if you feel called to, try some money magic or rituals, or pray to your favorite spiritual allies for an income boost.

Friday, October 8:

It’s time to step into the lavish lifestyle you’ve been wanting. You are doing the work to make space for more money in your life, and maybe even more than you’ve ever had before. But now it’s time to really level-up.

Consider using tools such as a vision board to begin creating the life you want, and stepping into it. You don’t need to spend money to feel rich and wealthy now; just think of how much you have right now in this moment. Food, clean running water, loved ones, options, your health, etc…the list goes on and on. As well, what can you do now to upgrade your circumstances? Maybe you feel your home is small and very unlike a mansion, but how can you make it more lavish, within budget? Maybe it’s eating with your best plates and utensils, or maybe it’s dressing your best to dinner. Point is, be that rich person now! Don’t just visualize them, be them now!

The action for today is to focus on the feelings of wealth. Do a little play pretend; imagine what it would be like to live where you want to live, and to have what you want to have. What will you do with all that money you’re intending on receiving? Money is an energy so doing exercises like this really helps to get you in that state of mind, and being. But these visualizations can also stir up some things you didn’t know were there, like feeling insecure with a lot of money, or feeling unsafe…allow whatever comes up for you to teach you a valuable lesson about your relationship with money. Whatever fears or insecurities come up, are for healing. This is the path towards great wealth.

Some of you may feel like splurging with any newfound money that comes your way this week. Whatever you splurge on, do it because it makes you feel good, not because it’ll make you look good to others — let the gifts you give yourself be about you. Some of you may benefit from using this money towards beautifying your homes; investing in upgrading your home space — this could greatly increase its value for a future sale.

Saturday, October 9:

You have a wonderful opportunity to build generational wealth in this lifetime. You have what it takes to become a millionaire (and beyond); you may even be the first millionaire in your family. Spirit supports you in this endeavor. You have tools, resources, knowledge, ideas, and the wisdom of Spirit, all available to you. You might have a million-dollar idea, or opportunity coming up; go for it! What you do, build, or create now, will have a lasting effect on you and your family, for generations to come.

I mentioned in yesterday’s reading that many of you will benefit from investing any surplus of money into upgrading your homes — this could potentially reap big rewards for you in the future.

Some of you will be buying new homes in the near future.

Some of you will be able to finally work on projects and goals that you may have had to put off previously. You are encouraged to move ahead with these intentions.

A word of advice: not everyone in your life is meant to go the distance you are aspiring to. You may have that focus of being rich and wealthy, or becoming a millionaire, but not everyone in your life has those same aspirations. I say this because you may have to do things that they will not understand. They don’t have the vision, dreams, or wisdom you do. Stay in your lane and let others stay in theirs. You can share what you know and what you do, but just know that not everyone will be on the same page as you — don’t take it personally. Spirit has a special plan for you and you alone, even if the rewards will be shared with others.

The action for today is to continue forging ahead with your goals and dreams. Keep working on building your wealth; on learning what you need to learn. Keep focusing on your personal growth and aspirations. Keep showing up every day knowing that you are already rich, and you have the potential to do so much good for your family, and community. Keep your eyes on the prize. Keep planting your millionaire seeds.

Sunday, October 10:

Today opens a portal into the coming week, and energy for the month — one of magical occurrences. Your psychic and spiritual gifts are greatly enhanced at this time. You will have an easier time of receiving the messages from Spirit. For many of you this will take the form of direct communication with Spirit, whether in dreams, or visions, or actually hearing/seeing them.

If you don’t already communicate with Spirit, I encourage you to not be afraid of these gifts. What you can do is tell your spiritual family which ways work best for you. They don’t want to scare you, so if seeing them is not your thing, ask them to come to you in dreams instead. But they really want to speak to you, so whichever way you choose just make sure you are open to it. So if you choose the path of dreams, for example, make sure to keep a pen and paper nearby (or whatever tool works for you) to take notes.

Ancestors are part of your spiritual family and they in particular want to get in touch with you. They want to share their wisdom and gifts with you — they can help you in ways you can’t even imagine. Many of you have spiritual or psychic gifts that they want you to focus on building — possibly even they want you to take a more spiritual path, or even be initiated into something. They will make their intentions known to you soon enough.

The action for today is to light a candle or make an offering to your passed over loved ones. If you haven’t visited their final resting place in a while, set a date to go there soon. Say a prayer of peace for them and give them thanks for all they do.

I will also say, not all ancestors are benevolent or have your best interest in mind. If there are any you work with which have oppressive energies, or are very demanding, know that you have the authority to choose not to work with them. You can set clear boundaries with them and ask your benevolent ancestors and guides to help keep them in check. This also applies to all other spirits. If any come to you in a disrespectful or aggressive manner, you can easily tell them to exit stage left. This is your life; you hold the power.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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