Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 29 to December 5, 2021
Hello our Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for November 29 through December 5, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.
The overall energy this week:
It’s been a long year. My friends and I have jokingly called this year “2020 part 2”, because it seems like 2020 never ended. But no matter what we have gone through or are going through, we have (and shall) overcome. I know this because we have already overcome adversity in many areas of our lives, but we’re still here. We have another chance and another day to live this life.
As I sit and work on the reading for this week, I am also tapering off of a challenge in my life — a deep and intense lesson which had to be learned. I wasn’t sure what the message would be for this week but Spirit showed me the finish line — they showed me that we have truly made it, and this moment we are collectively going through, will pass. There may be some bittersweet endings, but they will make room for new beginnings.
Spirit is telling me that this week will be another harvest — receiving the fruits of our labors, and long-held wishes being fulfilled. Receiving more sweetness and balance in life. Sagittarius season is fueling our energy and passions, giving us much needed ‘zest’ for life. We will be feeling more inspired and motivated to take on those aspects in life which may have felt overwhelming before. We will want to push forward and break those blocks; in essence, tapping into our inner warrior. This is what will help us continue to overcome adversity. But use this fire energy wisely; take a balanced approach. In other words, don’t use up all your energy at once — pick and choose what you want to spend your energy on. Be strategic.
For many of you, the challenges you’ve faced this year have been in large part due to your relationships. There have been many relationship changes, and possibly even upheavals, but now the doors are opening for greater harmony. I sense that many of you will be heading towards solid romantic relationships, and even marriage into this coming year. With respect to family members or friends you may be estranged or disconnected from, you may soon have the opportunity for peaceful resolutions, and amends. Sometimes a resolution could simply be dissolving the relationship — don’t fret, all will be well.
The transformation which has taken place this year hasn’t been easy but it will be worth it — your rainbow is right there, just over the horizon. Have faith and keep going; we are at the conclusion and heading towards a blessed new beginning!
Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.
Monday, November 29:
You’ve been fighting for so long, but today you can relax. The work you have done and measures you have taken are working — you are safe and protected. You are strong and resilient. Allow yourself to slowly let go of the fight because Spirit is taking up the cause for you — in other words, take a break.
Yes, there will be more sweetness entering your life — more ease. More love and laughter. More playtime. You deserve this much-needed break, and more!
For many of you this year has been financially challenging, but you’ve made it through — you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you’ve been unemployed, a sweet opportunity will soon be making its way to you. More money is coming in.
The action for today is to know that the struggle is coming to an end. If you’ve been concerned about being spiritually protected, Spirit wants you to know that you are safe. There’s no need to worry, just keep doing what you’ve been doing, but if the work has been stressful, ease up a bit. If you work with affirmations or mantras, let them be more loving towards yourself — focus on sweet thoughts and words, towards yourself and others.
Tuesday, November 30:
There is money coming in, and for many of you this will be from an unexpected source. Many of you will be receiving financial support from a generous benefactor; a person who you consider to be “higher up” than you — could be a “sugar daddy” (I sense older male energy), or a prominent figure in the workplace. You may even be receiving a promotion at work, and a raise. Some of you may even be asked to step up into a leadership role, and it will involve being mentored by a successful male. Whatever the case, your needs are being met from unlikely sources.
Some of you may be receiving money from an inheritance.
Allow this money coming in to take you to new heights. Elevate yourself — invest in products or services for your personal growth. This is not so much about “looking good” to others, but rather feeling your best inside and out. When you feel your best, you look your best, and put your best foot forward. Some of you may benefit from upgrading your wardrobes for your new careers — it’s time to dress the part.
The action for today is to be more generous with yourself. Invest in yourself in a way that will be impactful long-term — this could be through a style change, or investing in a mentor/life coach (possibly even a career or business coach), or in a class. Make sure this investment is one you will benefit from for at least the remainder of the year, and through the first few months of 2022.
Wednesday, December 1:
Happy December! The finish line of this year is in sight…There is more good news on the way — the roads of abundant blessings are open to you! This is the start of a new day and new month — we are on the way to not only receiving the fruits of our labor, but also planting new seeds for the coming year.
Many of you will be receiving returns on investments. You may have invested in a business or creative project and were unsure if it would bear any fruit for you — it has and will. You may be “breaking even” or even gaining income before the year ends.
Many of you will be receiving wonderful news regarding new jobs or career opportunities.
The action for today is to be open to receive the messages being sent your way — check all your inboxes, even the ones you haven’t checked in a while. Check your social media accounts. Check your mail. As well, pay attention to the messages Spirit sends through your dreams or even other people. The end of blocks and delays is here!
Thursday, December 2:
Today is one for mental relaxation. You will be gaining the mental clarity you need to zoom out, and see the bigger picture. Or you may be more in-tuned to the smaller details. Your mind is sharp right now and you could easily go on and on with your strategies and projects, but you’ll actually benefit most from mental rest.
Consider giving your mind the opportunity to focus on other things, or clear your mind. If you are one for meditation and relaxation techniques, go for that. If you feel your thoughts are running at 100mph, try playing puzzle games to give your active mind a break from “work” while still giving it a workout.
Point is, take a break from the daily hustle and bustle so that your mind can be on point for future ideas and strategies to come.
Many of you will benefit from more mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, or yoga. In essence what you are doing is training your brain, rather than let it run wild (which can be so exhausting).
The action for today is to give your mind a break, and consider a daily practice to strengthen your mind’s ability to relax. This will greatly help when there’s a flurry of activity happening, so you won’t get overwhelmed. Don’t worry, your work won’t suffer from taking this much-needed mental rest.
Friday, December 3:
You can be sure that your endeavors will be successful — you have what it takes to succeed. But let go of the forms and the hows. Keep showing up and doing your thing, but let Spirit work on how and when your successes will manifest into form.
Know that your finances will stabilize and you will have more than enough. Not only have you made sound investments in the past, but you are also masterful at budgeting and stretching those dollars.
Many of you will soon be investing into your homes or even new homes — you are setting solid foundations for your future.
The action for today is to consider taking that leap of faith with your finances. If you’ve been wanting to purchase a home for example, start thinking about your budget and what you want in a home. Whatever the investment, do more research and start taking the steps you need in that direction.
Saturday, December 4:
Many of you may benefit from getting a second opinion regarding any health concerns. In other words, if you have a gut feeling about discontinuing working with a specific doctor or practitioner, find someone else who is better suited for you.
Your health is doing much better; you are taking charge of your well being, which is wonderful. You are heading towards more optimal health and harmony. Continue to listen to the needs of your body, even if your ideas don’t make sense to anyone else. Find the people who can help you better support your journey.
The action for today is to consider switching up your health routine and/or medical practitioners. The power for your healing is in your hands; take back your power and assert yourself if someone is not supporting your needs. Some of you may even need to reassess your medications or supplements; do so with a professional.
Sunday, December 5:
You are at a new, energetic beginning, filled with blessings. Bountiful blessings are here now and more on the way. You may feel inclined to share the news of these blessings with everyone you know, or even on social media for example, but Spirit cautions you to hold off.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
Not everyone in your inner circles is wishing you well. There are also some people in your life who have the tendency for gossip. Your best course of action right now is to keep things to yourself — celebrate with yourself and with those you have to share things with, like your spouse. Stay quiet and lay low, all while you enjoy the blessings Spirit has for you.
Have you ever spilled the beans on a wonderful opportunity, before it even came to fruition, only to have it fall though? This is the energy of shade at work — envy, jealousy, and even hate. Don’t share what you’re going to do, share what you did, and even then be selective of who you share with.
I have a special message for some of you… this “hater” is someone in your inner circle and you have a feeling of who it might be. If they invite you over to eat at their home, decline. Find ways to gain some distance from them. Anything they give you, throw it away immediately, and outside of your home.
This message is for vigilance and caution but not for fear. You have been doing wonderfully at protecting yourself and cutting ties with those wanting to keep you down. Keep at it; focus on the love and blessings in your life; those “haters” will disappear.
Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.