Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-November 22 to November 28, 2021

Blessed Manifestation
9 min readNov 22, 2021


Hello my Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for November 22 through November 28, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

Last week’s Lunar Eclipse energy had us questioning and making changes to all of our relationships. We’ve shed dead weight, and have seen people’s true colors. Now, just because someone no longer belongs in your life doesn’t mean they are “bad” or that they were doing something wrong. Sometimes a relationship just meets its natural conclusion. We’re always growing and learning — we’ve evolved into more authentic versions of ourselves, so it’s only fitting to release what no longer serves our path.

The energy of shedding people continues this week, especially those people who have been pulling our strings for far too long. The joy and blessed life you want, is on the other side of those relationships — the sooner you can let go of them, the sooner you can start to feel lighter. Having the awareness that someone is no longer meant to share our energy is enough to begin closing the door on the bond. Just be willing to let go, and it will happen naturally. But continue to set your boundaries. A boundary can be saying no, or declining an invitation, or interacting with them less.

Here in the US, many will be celebrating “Thanksgiving” this week — a moment for gathering with loved ones. In many cases, it also means meeting with people who you have toxic bonds with, such as family members. If your boundary means not showing up to Thanksgiving dinner, honor yourself for that and make other plans. Point is, do more of what you love with those whom you love. Take back your power by reclaiming your time, and energy.

The best advice Spirit has for you this week is to stay centered, despite whatever noise is going on around you. I can sense a lot of fear-mongering going on these days — not just surrounding Covid. The media loves a good story that feeds fear, so this week take some time away from the screens; from social media, the news, even technology altogether. Spend more time going within — finding harmony through introspection and meditation. There will always be noise and “chaos” — fear thrives on this, but you don’t have to give in to it. Peace is an inside job, and is available to you every single moment of your life. Tap in.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Monday, November 22:

Energetically we are at a new beginning — we start this week off on a clean slate. I get the sense many of you will have a boost in energy and inspiration. Spirit advises you to use a moderate approach. Yes use this boost, but don’t over-do it. This week is more about a “slow and steady” approach, as has been the theme for this year.

As we enter into Sagittarius season, the fires of expansion and creativity will be burning brightly, but be careful not to over-extend yourself. This is also the case with respect to gatherings with others — don’t over-book yourself on the holiday parties. In fact, clear your calendar except for the really important occasions (not everything will be important), so you have more time to yourself. With this clean slate you’ll want to be intentional about what you are manifesting next in your life, so take a moment today to reflect on what’s next for you.

The action for today is to consider how you’d like to wrap up this year — are there any unfinished projects or priorities that you’d like to get closure on before the end of this year? As well, what does the energy for next year look like for you? This isn’t about planning but rather visualizing what you’d like to be doing next year — how you’d like to be feeling and such. Use your time and energy, wisely.

Tuesday, November 23:

Your intuitive hunches are on point. Today you wear the crown of success — whatever you work or focus on will be successful. Today would be wonderful to complete any unfinished business or projects.

Follow your gut when it comes to making important decisions. Many of you will be offered jobs or opportunities soon — before saying yes, how do you feel about these choices? Is there something that feels ‘off’ to you? Is there an agreement that needs revision? Try not to rush into anything today, and instead take a moment to make a decision that feels right for your mind and heart.

The action for today is to follow through on any divinely inspired ideas or suggestions, as well as to complete any projects which you’ve been putting off. You don’t need to have it finished by today but at least consider what steps you can take to complete these tasks, ideally before the new year.

Wednesday, November 24:

For many of you, something did not pan out like you wanted it to — this was related to your business and/or career. Something occurred earlier this year, which may have left you feeling uncertain about the future. But hopefully you can now see why this “destruction” was a blessing. And if you haven’t seen the silver lining yet, you will.

Many things did not work out the way I wanted them to this year, but I see now why things worked in the way they did. The Universe is perfect in how it operates — nothing is random. Begin to unravel the threads so you can see how everything has led you to be the person who you are now. You are perfect right here and now.

For many others, you may not have experienced that moment of disappointment, yet. Something may be in the works for you that will not work out — don’t fret or panic. This obstacle is creating a detour for you, which is leading you towards something better — something sweeter. A much better and stronger opportunity is on the way. If you are offered an opportunity but there’s something about it that’s disappointing to you, consider declining and waiting for a better offer. Don’t rush into something “acceptable” — wait for something phenomenal!

The action for today is to consider how everything that has happened in your life has led you to this point in time, and space. Can you see how perfectly aligned everything is for you? Without those past labors, you would not be enjoying the fruits you’ve worked so hard for. If you haven’t already tasted these sweet fruits, just know that a harvest is coming. The end of the struggle is near. As well, enjoy the fruits for you here and now. Enjoy and thank everything in this present moment.

Thursday, November 25:

Spirit wants you to know that they see your work, and they honor your efforts. Your work has not been in vain — the seeds you’ve planted will bear fruit. You will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your hopes and dreams are safe.

This moment is just a small pause in momentum. Think about the time it takes for a seed to grow, and eventually bear fruit. Things will arrive for you in due time; just hold on a little longer. In fact, you’ve done the planting so now sit back and rest a bit. Let nature run its course. Let today be one for much needed rest and contemplation.

Many will be celebrating “Thanksgiving” today — consider how blessed and fortunate you are right now, to be able to partake in the feasts and bonding, in whatever form that takes for you. Maybe it’s just you, maybe it’s at a soup kitchen, maybe it’s with a large family…if you are able to eat today, you are already blessed. This life, even with all its dark and scary moments, is a gift. Honor every single gift that’s here for you now, and just think that when your seeds bear fruit, you will be able to share those gifts with others.

The action for today is to connect with Spirit — thank them for their help, and if you are able to, honor them with some offerings (yes Spirits eat too, so to speak). Sometimes it’s tough to feel hopeful about things getting better — allow Spirit to raise your vibes and show you that things are much better than you think. Today would also be wonderful for money spells and rituals, if you’ve been feeling that the money is a little tight.

Friday, November 26:

Today will be wonderful for love and romance, especially if you are single.

If you are single and looking, your other half may come in an unexpected package — in other words, don’t judge a book by its cover. You may have a specific type in mind, but don’t be surprised if you become attracted to exactly the opposite of what you’ve been wanting. Point is, be flexible. Love comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, flavors, etc…Spirit knows what you want but also what would be best for you; ultimately it’s your choice.

Today is one to look and feel your best. Get out there and strut your stuff! If you get invited to go out, go for it. It doesn’t need to be an extravagant affair. As well, don’t be afraid to make the first move.

The action for today is to be more loving and accepting of yourself. You have every reason to feel proud of yourself and know that you are beautiful, just as you are. You are worthy and deserving of love, and romance. Once you can begin to love and accept yourself more, your other half will do the same. Allow yourself to love as they are, and to be loved as you are.

Saturday, November 27:

Drop the fights and agendas, at least for today. This especially applies if you’re spending time with loved ones who drive you over the edge. Things can get especially tense around the holidays — be patient with yourself and others. Take a breath before you respond. This is more about your own health and wellbeing than that of others.

Maybe you’re usually the one with a shady response or you get the last word, but pick and choose your battles — in fact, avoid the battles altogether — Spirit says there’s really no need to fight. You’ll feel so much better if you can avoid conflict. Somehow this break you are giving yourself will help you get the clarity you need whenever a loved one annoys you — you may easily get to the root cause of these triggers.

The action for today is to take it easy and enjoy your time. If you are spending extra time with loved ones, think back on the reasons why you love them, especially when they start to get on your nerves. This is another gentle reminder to be thankful for the love in your life — you don’t have to love everyone, but there are those who have a special place in your heart — give thanks for them.

Sunday, November 28:

You may soon be receiving word of new opportunities, with respect to your finances. The roads are opening again, and so if you’ve been in need of a financial boost, it is on the way!

Pay attention to the messages Spirit has for you, whether through thoughts, dreams, or actual messages delivered through others. For many of you this will be in the form of wonderful new ideas related to income. This could be in the form of something you’ve been inspired to create.

Some of you may soon be receiving money that has been owed to you or was somehow blocked.

I get the message for some of you, to pay more attention to your bills. Look through your statements to see where you are being overcharged for some services — you may be overpaying for things. As well, make sure your bills are actually being paid on time.

The action for today is to begin to work on those divinely inspired ideas. Tap in to Spirit for guidance on how to proceed. As well, begin to get more organized with your finances — this is the perfect time to do a review of how you spend money and where there could be improvements made.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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