Weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast-December 6 to December 12, 2021

Blessed Manifestation
7 min readDec 6, 2021


Hello Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your weekly Tarot & Energy Forecast for December 6 through December 12, 2021. Please note that energy is constantly shifting, so take this reading as advice but not as something set in stone. Always follow your inner compass for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

When it rains it pours, as they say, but in this week’s case the showers are of abundance!

There is a great deal of karmic return, since the beginning of this month. We are being rewarded the fruits of our labor. We’ve put in the work and now it’s time to enjoy the harvest. Blocks which may have prevented you from receiving those blessings are now lifted.

Your prayers have been heard and are being answered. You will be soon receiving people, places, resources, and circumstances to help you. For many of you, this help will be in the form of Earth Angels — people who will come to your rescue. Some of these people may be folks from the past, whether this life’s past or from a past life. This is a time of glorious returns.

Possibly for some of you there will be the chance for reconciliation with someone who you had a falling out with — forgiveness is always the best path. These individuals may now be in a better position to help you; in other words, they are worthy now of your love and trust. Always check-in with your intuition though.

Give thanks for all of the blessings here and now, and know that Spirit is always with you.

Check out each day’s card on TikTok and Youtube.

Monday, December 6:

There is valuable information within your subconscious mind, waiting to be released. This week you may be receiving important messages through your dreams, so please keep a notebook nearby to write them down. These dreams could potentially contain solutions you need.

Many of you may remember information from your past lives today — skills and wisdom you previously attained, which will be helpful in this incarnation. Your mind is a powerful source of information.

Many of you will also be connecting (or reconnecting) with your spiritual family this week — pay extra close attention to the guidance and ideas you receive.

The action for today is to keep track of your dreams — make a conscious effort to write them down as soon as you wake up. As well, if you’ve been considering researching your past lives, you can start with techniques such as hypnosis or meditation, to help unlock that information. Make sleep a priority this week since it will also serve to harmonize your spiritual energy.

Tuesday, December 7:

Today is one for peace, ease, and relaxation. You can rest in the knowing that all is being taken care of — you deserve this much needed break! Take a break from the planning, strategizing, and toil. Even if you are at work today, find ways to make it more enjoyable because you have every reason to celebrate.

The action for today is to continue to be open to receive; great blessings are being bestowed on you — enjoy them! And share this abundance with everyone you come in contact with today, even if it’s just sharing a smile with someone else. Smile, just because.

Wednesday, December 8:

We’ve received this card for the past 3 weeks, which continues to confirm we are indeed reaping the fruits of our labors!

Today is one for more long-term vision — how can you use these fruits to create more trees, and therefore receive more fruits? In other words, what steps can you take to continue the flow of abundance? It’s time to begin to consider what the future feels like for you. Leave the hows and forms to Spirit, but at least for now, what kind of future do you envision for yourself? We are so used to our daily routines and thinking about the short-term, that we forget there may be an opportunity to create something for lasting abundance — this is one of those times.

Don’t focus so much on strategy, but at least have a general overview of where you would like your life to be headed towards. For many of you, I see this as a time to build those “nest eggs” — save that extra money for future investments — ones that will create generational wealth.

The action for today is to create or refresh your vision boards, or whatever method you use for manifestation. Visualize what you want, and feel yourself there. Keep track of any ideas or information that come up during this exercise. As well, today would be lovely to mediate on your future vision, in nature. Connect with nature for grounding in the now, so you won’t lose sight of your present.

Thursday, December 9:

There is more money coming in, but what will you do with it when it arrives? Possibly this is in the form of unexpected money, resources, or even new sources of income (such as jobs). Consider creating a strategy to be more savvy with your finances.

Today is one for choices — do you want more of the same, or do you want something new? If you’ve been living check-to-check, now may be the time to consider a new strategy for how you spend your money; possibly even creating a budget or investing in a financial advisor. Spirit wants you to know that the power is in your hands to make lasting, financial changes — don’t allow past illusions or conditioning around money keep you from enjoying the wealth that you are worthy of.

The action for today is to consider saving any windfalls or unexpected money you receive. As well, take charge of your money — get the help you need to learn how to make money work for you. If you are torn between two jobs or opportunities, consider the one which will be the most financially and emotionally rewarding — it’s not always all about the money.

Friday, December 10:

Make a wish today, and mean it! Whatever you wish for will manifest, in the form determined by Spirit. I like to state my wish and then say “or better” because you always want the best option for you.

This is a time of rapid manifestation — things are moving forward in your favor. The Universe is your genie today!

The action for today is to create your vision board (if you haven’t already) or at least write out what you want more of; what are your greatest wishes and desires? Allow yourself the freedom to dream big! This is playtime, not strategy time — when the time comes for action, you will be guided towards it. For now just have fun envisioning the kind of life you want to be living.

As always, be grateful for all of the blessings here and now, and thank Spirit for all they are doing for you. Today is also a magical day for spells and rituals, especially focused on receiving.

Saturday, December 11:

Today is one for taking charge and responsibility over your finances, and circumstances-don’t be afraid of the numbers! Don’t be afraid to face the truths — what deep, dark money secrets are hiding in your closet? Could you be a shopaholic? Are you in over your head in debt? Nothing will get resolved without your action — don’t run away from this task! This is an opportune moment to make positive changes with your money.

You don’t have to do things alone. If you feel overwhelmed, ask a trusted friend for advice, or seek someone like a financial advisor. There are many free resources to help you learn how to budget, and even get out of debt — I know because I was there! Many years ago I was suffering in silence due to increasing credit card debt. I even questioned my own self-worth, thinking no one would love me since I had such bad credit — these are all lies and illusions! You can break free from those tales you tell yourself, but you have to start somewhere.

Even if you think you are great with money, where could there be improvement? Are you spending on things you don’t need? Or the opposite, are you saving so much that you don’t enjoy a single penny of your hard-earned money? Today is one to challenge those cycles of lack and fear around money.

The action for today is to get help with your finances — through a financial professional or even through self-learning, such as with Youtube tutorials, articles, etc. This is the moment to get out of those cycles to create a more sustainable future — you are creating the energy for 2022 right here and now.

Sunday, December 12:

Today is one for psychic insights — pay extra close attention to the messages received. Spirit is getting in touch with you much stronger, so this is the time to really connect with them.

This is another day this week for spells and ritual work, and I sense more in the area of cleansing. Use today to prep for the coming week by doing some light cleaning around your homes and sacred spaces, and also energy clearing — it does not have to be extensive, but something to refresh your spiritual energy.

You will be receiving insights, possibly even visions, to help you understand more about what Spirit is calling you to do.

Some of you have been in the “spiritual closet” for too long; consider coming out of hiding, even if only to trusted friends; let more people in on your witchy, unicorn self.

The action for today is to trust your gut. Your intuition is on-point — this is Spirit’s way of communicating with you. Don’t do something because you feel forced to — listen to your inner guiding system for clues on what to do. If you are into readings, today would be perfect to get one or give yourself one.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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