Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast-June 20 to June 26, 2022

Blessed Manifestation
5 min readJun 20, 2022


Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy this week:

I don’t know about you but last week’s Full Moon almost took me out! I’ve been seeing posts all over, calling this summer a “sleepy girl summer” and I am starting to feel those effects. It’s like a haze has taken over. I think of it like Spirit sprinkling some sleeping powder over our eyes, waiting for us to get the rest we need. We’re all tired! All of us. We’ve had a very hard and long 2+ years with Covid and other circumstances, plus trying to keep it “together” in our personal lives — it can all feel like too much. But there’s hope! There’s always hope.

This week we welcome the Summer Solstice — when the sun “stops” for longer periods of time (here in the northern hemisphere at least), and therefore we will have longer days (more sunlight). The Solar energy is calling us to peel off those layers we no longer need — let’s all get naked! Let your true and authentic self shine through. Let your truest self shine brightly! Let it be visible. Be your most authentic self this summer, and it will help you feel more confident in your skin, and life.

As well, just chill. Try your best to find more “chill” in your life. Spirit wants you to know that yes, there are moments of work and action, but it doesn’t mean you always have to go hard for what you want. Take a more relaxed approach this week. In fact, there are blessings and good news on the way, but you have to be a little more patient while your manifestations take form. They are coming, but on Divine Time, not human time.

If you are single and reading this, there is possibility for romance this week. Be more visible — be outside and allow yourself to be seen. Maybe even turn up for some events you’re inspired to attend. Someone may already be interested in you, but they are a little more reserved with their approach. In other words, they are not moving as fast as maybe you would like — be patient with them. Allow yourself to savor all the sweet moments life has to offer — there’s no need to rush.

Beginning of the Week:

I can see that many of you reading this are quite torn about a decision — possibly moving on from something. I can tell for many of you this decision is about a job/career/business — you want to move on from this, but something is holding you back. Or you’ve been wanting to relocate. That something holding you back is insecurity.

You might not feel completely prepared for the journey you’d like to embark on — no one is fully prepared when it’s time to move on, or forward. Oftentimes we just have to take a step and the next step will reveal itself. You don’t have to have all of the pieces in place to take that step forward. As well, many of you are conflicted because you might be afraid to upset or disappoint those you care about. Possibly you feel that moving on with this decision will cause conflict with loved ones — loved ones who may not agree with this decision. In this case, listen to your intuition over your logical mind. There’s something calling you — calling your soul; answer this call, despite what others may think of this decision. But also, don’t rush into anything. Take your time with this.

Lastly, Spirit advises to take a moment to step away from the chatter of others — rather than involve everyone in this decision, keep it to yourself for now — you don’t need to hear what others think about it. Listen to yourself first.

Middle of the Week:

The theme for the middle of the week is giving and receiving. How much do you give of yourself? How open are you to others? And how much are you willing to receive? Are you even open to receive? Part of any inner conflict you might be experiencing has to do with an imbalance — in this case, not giving or not receiving enough.

Some of you reading this post have a hard time allowing others to give to you or help you — you may even hate asking for help. But closed mouths don’t get fed. If you don’t allow yourself to receive help, life will be so much harder for you because we can’t do this alone. We need people. Let others in when they want to help you, and humble yourself a little more to ask for the help you need.

Some of you might be holding on to tightly to your energy. You’ve been closed off and “hoarding” yourself — you might have even noticed some distance from loved ones. You might not even be aware but you are not giving enough. This wall you’ve built around yourself is only keeping you in a state of fear — fear of loss. You may be afraid of losing or getting hurt (you may have been betrayed before), but this is just an illusion. Open the doors a bit more, and then a bit more, and so on. You don’t need to be all the way open, but you need to let some light in. Doing this will also help if you’ve been experiencing any issues with love or money. Also, donating time and/or money to worthy causes can help to open the doors of abundance for you.

End of the Week:

Some of you may have recently come out of a tough situation with another — possibly a hard breakup or divorce, or it’s been a while but you haven’t received the closure you need. Don’t despair because you have actually stepped onto a path of greater emotional fulfillment, and love. The most important love being, of self. Celebrate yourself for making it this far and for all you’ve done — you have so much to be proud of! Victories, even seemingly small ones, can have a major impact on our self-esteem. Pat yourself on the back for surviving those hard times and coming to the other side of it.

Some of you may be considering closing a chapter with a loved one, whether romantic or not, but this step will be necessary for your growth. Know that you have the strength and power to make this decision — you will come through victorious. Take your time with this transition, and be gentle on yourself.

Stronger bonds with self, with others, and with Spirit, are here for us now.

Did this week’s reading resonate with you? Let me know in the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive these weekly forecasts, monthly pick-a-card readings, and free psychic readings. If you really liked this reading, you can buy me a tea here.



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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