Unlock the Week’s Energy: Psychic Reading for February 10 to February 16, 2025
This week will be a fiery one, with the lunar energy being the focus. Mama Moon will be Full in Leo mid-week but we will be feeling her effects all week long. This is an opportune moment for a new beginning! Energetically speaking we will be receiving a much needed boost of momentum for our goals. New insights, ideas, inspiration, and vitality will find us this week. You might feel ready to take that leap of faith you’ve been preparing for.
However this boost manifests for you, take full advantage of it — ride its wave. Be open to new possibilities and solutions. As well be open to trying a different approach — you will be pleasantly surprised.
Beginning of the week:
I mentioned in last week’s reading that the weekend should be for rest and relaxation — this energy continues for the start of this week. Use the next couple of days to recuperate your energy reserves. This will be a great time to sleep in, take more naps, catch up on your favorite shows. Here in the Northeast (US) we are experiencing snowy conditions — perfect for staying in and getting cozy.
Something new is brewing in your life and when it arrives will alter your schedule and routines. As such you’ll want to catch up on rest in order to have the energy to adapt to the changes. And trust me, they will be wonderful blessings!
By the way, try to stay out of the drama or office gossip — focus on conserving your mental and physical faculties for your priorities, which right now include peace.
Middle of the week:
Mama Moon in Leo is helping us turn our passion projects into profits! If you’ve been wanting to establish a business, build a brand, sell your art, or just put your ideas out there…