Tarot and Energy Forecast-March 6 to March 12, 2023
Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.
The overall energy for this week:
Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: closed chapters, open doors.
There are major endings making way for new beginnings this week. A few chapters are being closed in the heavens and below; Saturn and Pluto will be major players this week as they shift signs and therefore rock our world, in the best of ways. For many of us these potent endings will clear away old and stagnant energy, to help us welcome more of what we really want (and need).
The Full Moon in Virgo on the 7th opens a portal into this powerful new beginning. I recommend cleaning house (physically and energetically), as well as your work spaces, to make way for the new vibrations and shifts. This will especially be useful if you have been struggling financially; making way for the new can help you be open to receive better opportunities.
Follow your heart this week and be open to give and receive love. If you’ve been holding on to an ex or some kind of relationship that is no longer present, forgive them, forgive yourself, and move on. They are not coming back and honestly Spirit has a stronger bond in the works for you. As well, if you’ve been wanting to call it quits on a relationship, this week would be great to make a clean break.
Beginning of the Week:
Spirit is shifting the energies in all of our relationships; if it’s no longer working, it will be evident this week, and this applies to romantic and other relationships as well. It’s time to have your cups filled and stop settling for less than you deserve.
Some of you reading this will meet a worthy mate this week; a new, romantic partner. This could even be a soulmate relationship for some of you. This is a Divine match and connection. The bond is strong and can help you unlock a new level of love, and intimacy. This person is stable, a leader, and is successful; someone people look up to. They can help you set stronger foundations in your life. This person could already be someone you know, and work with.
If you’ve been feeling unlucky in love you’re being guided towards spiritual intercession. You might be energetically blocked and unclear on how to remove this block, which is where speaking to someone who understands energy can benefit you. You could also consider speaking to a love or dating coach to help you bust through those obstacles and give you the confidence you need to be open to love. If you have no idea where to start, ask Mama Moon for guidance, on the 7th when she’s Full.
Middle of the Week:
Dream opportunities are making their way to us; dream jobs, gigs, partnerships, and more. These blessings will positively impact our finances and material world. You are being guided to make a choice based on what your heart wants, versus what you think could be the better option. Tap in to your emotions for guidance.
Some of you will be offered a new job; something that makes your heart soar. This could also be a business opportunity or partnership. Whatever the form, it will help you feel like a winner! If the pay is not what you wanted, consider the other factors that make this opportunity a sure-thing. In other words, don’t just base your decision on the money; consider how this can be a fulfilling experience in other ways besides salary.
Some of you are being guided towards entrepreneurship. You have something of value to offer the world that needs to be shared. This is possibly a hobby you love to partake in, that other people have advised you to turn into a business. Spirit supports you and this endeavor, and as soon as you are ready you’ll get the resources you need to turn this dream into reality.
Some of you may benefit from pursuing your career or business idea with a trusted partner, and it seems like you already know who this person is. Reach out to them and see what they think; you may be pleasantly surprised. Or you may have someone in mind you wanted to reach out to regarding a job opportunity; use your networks! Don’t be afraid to send them a message.
End of the Week:
I mentioned in last week’s reading that it signaled the end of depression and grief. This week heralds the end of heartache and betrayal; maybe even loneliness for some.
You are always protected and divinely directed. The more you can tap in to Spirit, the more you can listen to their guidance and heed their warnings. As much as they want to help and intervene, you have free will. You choose your path. Regardless of whichever ditch you fall into, Spirit will always be available to pull you out.
For many of you a particularly challenging moment has come to an end, and I get the sense that this is related to a relationship for some of you. You may be ready to end things with another person, or maybe a divorce/settlement has been finalized between you and another — whatever the case, you will begin to feel lighter after this. This relationship or challenge was zapping your energy; now it’s time for your cups to be filled and Spirit wants to do just that for you.
There’s a reordering of things happening this weekend; wrongs being righted. Justice being served. Scales being balanced. If you’ve been dealing with a lot of intensity and uncertainty lately, your luck is about to change for the better. All of that is over now and you can rejoice in this blessed new beginning.