Tarot and Energy Forecast-July 24 to July 30, 2023

Blessed Manifestation
5 min readJul 24, 2023


Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: golden offers

We made it through last week’s wild ride and the energy has leveled-out a bit. Whatever came up for you last week, may be a bit of a glimpse into what you’ll be dealing with from now until the Fall. But don’t fret! Whatever has come up is for the best because now is the time to begin clearing away whatever needs to be let go of; make space for new blessings.

Now that Venus is doing her moonwalk in Leo, we’ll continue to scrutinize our partnerships even further. Tests might come up to see where there are weaknesses in your current partnerships. There may be folks from the past coming back for another chance at love. Or you may be single and refining what you’re actually looking for in a mate. However Venus shows up in your life during her dance, learn what you can from her. She is showing you where you can be successful in romance.

There may be a gift coming to us this week, with respect to our partnerships. Possibly a new partner to dance with. Possibly a tool or resource to help strengthen your current bond. Whatever this blessing is will help you feel more connected and fulfilled. There may even be new ideas coming up, on what kind of life you want to build together. Enjoy this level-up!

Beginning of the Week:

The Fates are bringing us a much needed change in our relationships. However the path appears to you this week, know that this is leading you towards greater fulfillment and harmony. Keep a cool head and some emotional detachment with whatever comes up this week. You’ll want to ponder for a bit in order to make strategic choices, rather than respond from an emotionally reactive place.

Some of you will be receiving an upgrade in your romance; possibly an engagement, marriage, or even considering what the next steps will be for you both. This is a great time for long-term planning and considerations.

Some of you may be asked to take a step back from the person you are focused on, whether romantic or not. There’s someone who has been on your mind, and there may have been a recent challenge with this person. Zoom out a bit from the situation to gain a winning perspective.

Some of you are single and will be presented with a new person this week who may stir up feelings of romance. Take things nice and slow until you get to know this person better, and they get to know you. Allow things to unfold naturally, without trying to force anything to happen.

Middle of the Week:

A long-awaited blessing is making its way to you. This is something you’ve been consistent with, and have put in work on. This blessing will be an answered prayer! It will help you feel more confident and clear on what steps to take next. For some of you this blessing is in the form of some kind of personality change. You may have been diligently working on making some lifestyle changes, and finally they have become a habit. This change has taken hold and will help you feel more successful in life.

Now that we’ve entered Leo season you may want to take better care of your outward appearance. This is more about showing your self-worth and self-esteem rather than trying to show off for others. Putting in work on your looks helps you approach life from a more confident and empowered place. There are some things you’ve been wanting to do to make yourself more aesthetically appealing. Doing this will improve how you feel about yourself, and help to attract more of the people and circumstances you want in your life.

Follow any signs or ideas that come up for you that feel truly inspired, whether this be a wardrobe makeover, a new hair color, or a new lifestyle change you want to implement. This outer change will be an important step because come Virgo season, you’ll have some internal work to do to match this new persona you are creating. Remember that the Universe supports you in every way.

End of the Week:

By the end of this week Mama Venus will help us come to a much needed conclusion with an emotional chapter of our lives. She is clearing out the closet deep within our hearts to help us make space for new emotionally fulfilling circumstances. It’s time to release what is not filling your cup. It’s time to release who is taking but rarely giving.

Some of you may be letting go of childhood sweethearts or exes from your past. This is an empowering moment to transition out of those old regrets and circumstances. You’ve gone as far as you could with this relationship and there is no more evolution to come. Let this be a guiding factor in deciding whether or not you want to continue with this person. They have no more to give or grow in this relationship, and I think you know that.

This is also a wonderful moment to create a ritual around letting go. If you are currently single but still holding on to some baggage from the past, consider what can help you to move on. Maybe it’s burning those old photographs, or deleting their number from your phone. If you haven’t been successful at healing on your own, consider speaking with a counselor or some kind of guide to help you navigate out of these stale waters onto more replenishing ones.



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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