Tarot and Energy Forecast-July 17 to July 23, 2023
Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.
The overall energy for this week:
Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: harmony and completion
We kick this week off with a New Moon in Cancer, helping us embrace a more harmonious new beginning. We’re shedding energy that is heavy, outdated, and no longer serving us. We will become clearer on what’s important to us, and be better at prioritizing.
Cancer asks you to pinpoint who is important in your life; which relationships are nourishing and which are draining? We’ll all be looking especially at our closest relationships. Some of us will reconnect and bond on another level with our loved ones, while some others may be choosing to distance themselves from energy vampires. While yes we can be there for others, make sure your cups are also being filled in some way.
There may even be new connections making their way to us this week, or you may hear from an old friend. Choose your interactions wisely this week. Choose the paths which lead towards greater fulfillment and emotional rewards; stop trying to be everyone else’s hero all the time. Learn to set healthy boundaries with others, and put yourself first more often. Nurture and love yourself more.
Beginning of the Week:
While we were more “full speed ahead” last week, we hit a bit of a lull in the speed this week. This week will be more about assessing and making informed choices. We will be reaping a harvest from the seeds we have planted. If you haven’t done much nurturing in your relationships, then those will be “weak spots” that will come up this week to show you how this bond can be salvaged, or maybe it’s time to let it go. Take your time with this decision.
If you’ve been feeling “out of sorts” emotionally, then this week will be wonderful to turn things around. In the meantime, learn what you can from whatever emotional challenges arise; this is a moment to dominate and overcome these “blocks”.
If you’ve been feeling a bit down about your current circumstances, try to shift your perspective to see the blessings here for you now. Rather than look at what’s been lost or missing, see what’s left. Whatever is left is what is most important anyway.
Middle of the Week:
If you’ve been feeling drained by your work, or maybe even your routine and habits, then know that Divine assistance is on the way to shift things around. This shift will help you feel more connected to your daily to-do’s; be open to receive this balance.
Some of you need better work-life balance. You are overwhelmed by your vocation and are in dire need of a change. This Divine gift may come in the form of a new job offer or some other opportunity that will brighten things up for you. Just be sure to also prioritize pleasure; rest and relaxation.
Some of you are about to embark on a new career journey; I see this being a new job with new responsibilities and co-workers. One of these new co-workers may be a soulmate in hiding…there is definitely love in the air at the workplace! You’ll just know when you’ve met them.
If you’ve been out of work for a while now, don’t fret; something new is on the way! Make sure to follow your heart with any new job offer; which one is emotionally fulfilling as well as financially satisfying? Take how you feel into consideration before you commit to this new role.
End of the Week:
Decisions, decisions! This week has been all about choices and considering our best options. Spirit is asking you to not be so hasty with these decisions. Sit on them for a bit until you gain the clarity you need. Choose the path that lights you up, and if it doesn’t do that, consider what your next step could be. Take your time and do it right!
Some of you will be presented with a really great offer that needs to be carefully considered before jumping in. Go over the fine print before signing anything, because you may be entering into a trap. If anyone rushes you to sign or accept, decline. Not all that glitters is gold. As well, don’t base your career decisions solely on the money. Don’t accept a job just because it pays really well; you may end up becoming chained to your career.
Some of you may feel frustrated by the lack of activity happening and may want to rush into something new. Spirit advises you to not be so hasty! They have something wonderful planned for you; something even better than you can imagine! Have a bit more patience and faith. Allow the current energies to level-out a bit.