Tarot and Energy Forecast-February 20 to February 26, 2023

Blessed Manifestation
4 min readFeb 20, 2023


Violet text on light purple background: Weekly Tarot and Energy Forecast

Supreme Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.

The overall energy for this week:

Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: charge!

Welcome to Pisces season! The last astrological season before the energetic New Year next month. Not only will we be open to more love in all forms, but we’ll also be charging forward with great passion towards our desires. I get the sense that if you’ve been feeling stuck, this week will be wonderful for breakthroughs.

This week we begin with a New Moon in Pisces and new cycles; continuing to release what no longer serves us, and receiving what does. We will have greater energy, vitality, and insight into what we want. We will be more inclined to pursue our desires, and explore our fantasies. Maybe to some, following your dreams will be delusional or even “crazy” but they don’t understand it the way you do. Move forward towards the direction of your beloved dreams, despite what others may think.

You have the courage and confidence to move boldly ahead, and just in case you haven’t felt as brave as you would like, know that soon that will change.

Beginning of the Week:

This week starts out with good news, and also with choices.

Many of us will be meeting someone new; a partner will be making their way to us. This could be romantic or strategic; in any case, this person will bring much needed inspiration with them. They will help you continue to overcome blocks, so you can move ahead with your goals. For some, this person is a Divine match; someone your spiritual family would like for you to consider, romantically.

If you happen to fall in the “romantic partner” bunch, this person may intrigue you in some way but possibly you might feel uncertain if they feel the same way. You may even feel like they are “too good to be true”. Trust Spirit and give this person a chance. Be open to this new experience, despite whatever little doubt monsters creep in to disturb you.

This is a victorious time for us all! Some of you may even be presented with a wonderful collaboration that could bring some much desired fame and/or fortune. You are worthy of this prize; go for it!

Middle of the Week:

The more you can be open to love, in whatever forms it presents itself to you, the more you can release those old, stagnant energies. This is a time of conclusions, making way for more fulfilling circumstances.

I can see some of you letting go of a toxic relationship; for some of you this is a toxic friendship or work partnership. You may even be leaving a job soon, to head into one that lights your soul on fire. Whatever changes come up for you this week, just know that they are positioning you where you want to go.

I can see some of you romantically involved with someone who is all about themselves and leaves very little for you. This person is stealing your joy and vitality; do you want this to be your story? You already know what to do; let this person go and make way for who you are truly worthy of.

End of the Week:

This weekend brings the end of heartache, grief, and for some of you, depression. You’ve concluded a powerful cycle (maybe even ended a relationship), and have reached the peak of your power. It’s time to go full force towards what you want.

This is another harvest; if you haven’t yet received the answers to your prayers, this weekend will bring the sweet fruits of your labors. Your dreams are being manifested and finally taking form!

Great clarity will be yours; whatever you left behind lifted the burdens off your shoulders so now you can see clearly what the next steps are. The wait (and weight) is finally over!

Your work and what you do in this world is what brings you fulfillment. You like to feel useful and purposeful, so keep this in mind when opportunities present themselves to you; is the work fulfilling? Does the work involved make you feel proud, and accomplished? You enjoy seeing your efforts bearing fruit, or being successful in some way. Use this knowledge to help propel you to where you want to go.

A special message for some of you: now is the time to “come out” and be your fully authentic self.



Blessed Manifestation

Spiritual Counselor and Energy Healer teaching you about spiritual protection. Ride the vibes of the Universe.