Tarot and Energy Forecast: February 12 to February 18, 2024
Hello everyone, hope you’re all hanging in there and maybe even thriving! The energies have been a little all over the place, as is typical with Aquarian energy. We just recently welcomed a New Moon in Aquarius/Lunar New Year, marking a new energetic cycle. We are halfway through quarter 1 and the energy signature of 2024 is still not set in place; we still have some other portals to walk through.
In the meantime, for this week be careful with your words. Things may be going great for you — this is not the time to brag or boast. In fact, you may want to keep your plans and intentions secret for now. Let things set and settle for you before you go telling anyone what’s going on in your world. This will be a good week to consider your future — where do you see yourself at this time next year?
Good news is coming in as well as a boost in creativity. Opportunities may be making their way to you towards the start of this week…