Tarot and Energy Forecast-August 14 to August 20, 2023
Rich Rising family! We are at the start of a new week; read this tarot and energy forecast with an open mind and heart, and remember that not everything is set in stone. Also please note, not every message will apply to you directly, but it could apply to someone in your inner circle. Always check in with your intuition for guidance.
The overall energy for this week:
Tarot and Energy Forecast temperature: positive breakthroughs
The search continues; for love, money, health — for the answers to our prayers. We may have been searching for so long and doing so much, with no conclusion in sight. Or you may be feeling confused as to what to do/try next. Spirit says PAUSE. This is not the week to push through, but instead allow yourself to flow towards the blessed breakthroughs you’ve been praying for.
This week is all about perspective. However we see the situation is how it will be. If you perceive lack, then lack is what you have. If you perceive loneliness, then that is what you will have. Time to shift your outlook. Things are actually a lot better than you think! Experience whatever circumstances you are dealing with from a whole perspective — body, heart, mind, and soul — don’t just allow one aspect of you to determine how you view or respond to a situation.
Beginning of the Week:
This is a wonderful week for forgiveness. Letting go of old hurts, stories, and betrayals. Consider forgiving someone who hurt you deeply, even if you don’t feel or believe that at first. The more you can forgive them the more free you will feel. Whatever this attachment is that you’re holding on to is keeping you stuck in a state of misery and lack. Maybe it’s yourself you have to forgive.
Forgiveness is the path forward. Start by counting your blessings here and now, and see if you can find the silver lining in the situation. What did you learn? And how can this challenge empower you now? Once you are willing to release this heavy energy, you will see the answers to your prayers just over the horizon. One thing I love to do is try the Ho’ponopono prayer on YouTube — I will meditate to it and sometimes even have it on repeat. It’s a great place to start if you don’t know how to forgive.
By the way, if you are feeling like there’s no way you can forgive a specific person, Spirit wants you to know that your stance will keep you in a loop of frustration which will build over time. In other words, this bitterness will only end up hurting you. Let it go.
Some of you will be thinking about someone from your past heavily this week — this is your sign — that is the person you need to forgive.
Middle of the Week:
We will be receiving a New Moon in Leo on the 16th, offering us a fresh take on romance. Mama Venus is almost done with her retrograde in Leo but in the meantime she is showing us true love — not what we think we want in love, but instead what we need. You might be wanting a wealthy partner to take care of you but what you really need is someone who can be attentive to your needs. Consider going beyond the superficial on your relationships — what is really important to you?
Triumph in love is possible this week so if you are quarreling with your partner, find a way to make amends — maybe even make the first move. This love is worth it, so fight for it! And if you are single, don’t give up hope on finding your mate. Someone new may be crossing paths with you this week. However, you may not initially be attracted to them if you are only going by looks, or the superficial stuff. You may be missing out on a wonderful match if you only go by the outer things. Spirit wants you to consider getting to know this person and see how they fill your cup.
When will I meet my new love?
End of the Week:
By the end of this week we should all be feeling much more centered and balanced. The surrounding energies are leveling out and giving us a little break before we enter Virgo season and yet another retrograde (Mercury). Use this weekend to rest! Relax and recover from the ups and downs we’ve had since the supermoon at the start of the month.
I get the sense that many of you have a lot of energy and want to use that to push through and go for yours. There’s a time and place for everything, but this is not the moment to forge ahead. In fact, this will be a great time to consider your options and strategize on what you want to do. Conserve your energy to use at a later time.
This upcoming Mercury retrograde will really propel us to the next level we want to attain, so rather than dive into anything new, focus on whether or not this new idea/project/endeavor will be sustainable long-term. The next few weeks will be vital to reassess our plans but in the meantime, have some fun this weekend and allow your mind to rest.