Powerful Intercessions with Saint Martha and Saint Lazarus
This week on July 29th many will be celebrating the Feast Day of Saint Martha and Saint Lazarus, siblings of St. Mary of Magdala.
In many spiritual paths Saint Martha is also known as “the dominator” or la dominadora, in Spanish. She can help you overcome difficult circumstances, especially if you are feeling powerless to make any changes. She might, for example, help you find the courage to leave an abusive relationship. She can also help you if you’re experiencing any mistreatment in the workplace, or feel you’re being treated unfairly. For more extreme circumstances she can even help you dominate over your enemies.
A Novena is dedicated to her, to intercede on your behalf, and a promise of lighting candles to her every Tuesday (for a total of 9 consecutive weeks) must be kept. Other offerings may be made to her, depending on your spiritual path. I usually also make a donation on behalf of the saint I am petitioning, to a cause in their name or one that is relevant to the work they did on this Earth.
Saint Lazarus can also help you with dire situations, especially related to any health concerns. Saint Lazarus is most known for being resurrected from the dead, so pray to him if you find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless or like it has “died” — possibly he can help to bring it back to life; to give you another chance. Whatever you pray to him for, just be flexible on the timing in which the prayer is answered. Depending on the circumstance, intercession may take a little longer. One of the blessings of connecting with Spirit is that you will know whether something is for you or not, so if that opportunity does not resurrect for you, it may just mean something better is on the way.
Have you made petitions to these Saints before? If so, how was your experience?