Final New Moon of 2023 and some updates
Hello Blessed Manifestation family! As you’ve noticed, I haven’t posted to the blog in a while; I’ve been posting the Weekly Tarot and Energy forecasts on my newsletter — please be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already.
Tonight’s New Moon in Sagittarius is reminding me to look back on the year, and reflect on how far I’ve come. I feel in many ways this year was like the last leg of a long race in my life. I went through many ups and downs, but I’m so grateful for all I’ve learned. Tonight’s Sagittarian moon is all about gratitude — look back with the eyes of love. Can you see how everything worked out perfectly for you? How everything has led you to this point in time? If you can’t see the love in your circumstances, can you at least be willing to sit with yourself and state some things you have to be grateful for, here and now? A positive outlook and approach will help you get through the final “hump” of 2023.
As Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow, there’s a bit of tension between desire and reality this week. My advice to you is to take things step-by-step — take your time with decisions and don’t rush into anything new. This is a good time for energetic cleansings, and closure. Try to finish what you’ve started.