Daily Tarot Reading-7/4/2021

Blessed Manifestation
3 min readJul 4, 2021


Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for July 4th, 2021:

Yesterday I shared a powerful Reiki Healing meditation and I reminded the audience to not be distracted by the outer noise. I’m in New York City which is probably one of the loudest places on earth. If I were to try to find a completely quiet spot I would spend more time searching than creating. This world is a ‘noisy’ place (sounds, energies, agendas, etc) so you just have to create inner peace, which begins within you.

Today’s card reminds us all to cut off the distractions and look within. We are so used to focusing on what’s going outside of ourselves that we forget our realities begin on the inside — we create our experiences and what’s within us is what will be reflected outside of us. So today, go inwards.

If you’ve been feeling confused or unclear about an important decision, take some time out to get your mind to a place of balance. Meditation is my favorite tool to give my mind a much-needed rest, so it can work more efficiently. Think about it this way, if you left your computer “on” 24/7 and it never shut down or slept, what do you think would happen after a week or so? It would slow down and probably crash. This is exactly what would happen if your mind were on all day, every day. It needs breaks, just like our bodies do. But the break suggested is not filled with binge-watching your favorite shows. You really want to get down to the root of whatever is challenging you in this moment.

You might also be feeling blocked from moving forward; possibly you are stopping yourself out of fear. You might be holding off on moving forward because you’re uncertain if the decision you chose is the best for you. It could also be that you are ‘comfortable’ with where you are — what do you envision your next step to be? What do you see yourself doing a year from now? Nothing changes until you make a move, so find a way to listen to the guidance Spirit has to offer you.

There’s more going on behind the scenes than you think. Just because you haven’t yet experienced the “success” you’ve been wanting doesn’t mean things haven’t been set in motion. Stay present today and accept everything as it is. When you can accept yourself and your situation you open yourself up to go with the flow of life, and in this way you don’t have to worry so much about what your next move “should” be. Instead base your decisions and actions from a place of desire and fulfillment; seek out more of what you want to do versus what you think you should be doing. Sit with your thoughts but if you just need a break from those too, find an empowering thing to focus on. Instead of distracting yourself with mindless TV, find an inspirational documentary or watch videos from one of your favorite thought leaders. Get inspired. You are not failing; all is well.

Have a blessed day all!



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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