Daily Tarot Reading-7/11/2021

Blessed Manifestation
3 min readJul 11, 2021


Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for July 11th, 2021:

Snake Spirit is here today to share her wisdom. She is most connected to the Divine Feminine and the force of creation. She is letting us know that there is a greatness within us waiting to be expressed — a deep dive into our Divine selves; our true selves. Everything you have been experiencing lately is aligned with the blessed changes occurring; you can feel them now in your body, and all around you. We are shedding what is no longer serving us, and transforming outdated, stagnant energies into ones we can use to fulfill our purpose.

This is a grand time of releasing and receiving. We are releasing the old stories, old wounds and traumas, old patterns and behaviors; in essence, our “old” selves are shedding away, like old skin, in order to be replaced by something better. We are becoming our true selves, or better yet, returning to our true selves. This is happening personally and globally; we have all experienced the shifts in one form or another. You may feel a sense of sadness or fear at the “loss” of the identity you came to know as you, but take comfort in the fact that this person was never you — it was something you created. It has been filled with layers upon layers of stories, but the time has come to let this identity go; it has done its job. You may find yourself feeling confused or uncertain of what to do next; this is you stepping into your power. We are all in the “unknown” now.

In a sense, we are back in the womb of creation, getting ready to be reborn. The womb is the dark void where everything is possible, and where everything is formed. It is safe, so know that you are safe now in the Divine Mother’s womb. There’s nothing more for you to “do” rather than allow the shifts within and around you to take place. Just sit and allow. Observe. Breathe.

This “new” version of yourself is receiving greater wisdom, greater power, greater blessings than ever before. Use whatever energy comes up for you now to send back into the womb to supercharge your manifestations. For many of you these shifts are calling you to connect with the Divine Feminine, and express yourself sexually. You might feel the forces of creation even more in your own womb or reproductive spaces. Just go with where the energy is leading you.

There’s no need for you to “do” anything other than just “be”, so don’t concern yourself with what activities you “should” be engaging in; just continue as you have been. Be led by Spirit if you find yourself uncertain of what steps to take. Always connect through meditation or any other way that works for you. That fire rising within you, use it as an outlet to fuel this grand rising of your true self — get in your body whenever your head is trying to make sense of it all.

You are perfect as you are right now and everything is working in perfect and Divine timing; no need to rush. This is a new beginning!

Have a blessed day all!



Blessed Manifestation
Blessed Manifestation

Written by Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.

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