Daily Tarot Reading-6/27/2021
Grand Rising Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 27th, 2021:
The theme lately has been “don’t be so hard on yourself”. If you find that you are beating yourself up about something, stop to zoom out and get a better perspective on the situation. In fact, changing your perspective altogether may be called for. The way you see things and see yourself is clouded by harsh self-judgement, especially now that trippy Neptune is in retrograde. Once you can take a step back from the situation you give yourself the opportunity to see things with greater clarity.
Do as little as possible today and just be. You are not your work, your role, your stories, your memories, your circumstances; you are so much more than you realize. Within you lives pure awareness; find a way to tap into that today. I love meditating to help me detach from my body and the outer circumstances of life; this gives me a break from trying to figure it all out. Find a way to let your problems breathe for a bit — you can try to solve them another day. For now, rest.
What is the path of least resistance? Let this question be your guide today, and every time you have a conflict. Yes there are moments when it’s best to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to new heights, but this is not one of those times. Since the start of this year the message has been to take things slow and steady, so take baby steps towards the blessed changes coming your way. If you can leap towards change, wonderful, but be just as proud of yourself if you need to crawl instead.
The Universe wants you to know that it is working on your behalf; you are not alone or unsupported. Messages and opportunities will be coming soon to help you keep going, but for now take a moment of respite to fill your cup again. These messages and opportunities will help you unravel the knots which are currently stressing you out. The best ‘action’ to take today is to be very selective with the words you tell yourself and the music/sounds you listen to. The mind is always listening, so feed it the best information. Try tools like mantras and affirmations to empower your thoughts, and help boost your self-esteem. As well, play music with empowering words and messages — songs can be hypnotic so play the good stuff.
Life is a marathon not a sprint. You have what it takes to go the distance, but if you try to rush forward now you will be depleted before you know it. Your path is assured; you will receive what you want and more, just keep going, and do it step by step. Rest if you must but don’t you quit…
Have a blessed day all!