Daily Tarot Reading-6/24/2021

Blessed Manifestation
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for June 24th, 2021:

We have all been experiencing profound healing, personally and globally, and now you are being asked to be open to new forms of healing. You may soon receive a message or sign leading you towards the healing you need — in this case I sense it being someone of great value who can serve as a mentor to you. Be open when the opportunity arises.

We all need guides, physically and spiritually; we just can’t do life on our own, no matter how independent we are. We all have the capacity to be teachers and students, and in this case you are being asked to focus on being a student again. You will either be guided towards a teacher or one will come to you; you’ll know when you meet them. By being open to receive healing form this person (or people) you also are learning to one day share this wisdom with others, in essence becoming a teacher yourself if you choose to. While the healing modality they offer can be something you’re familiar with or something you’ve never experienced before, they will ultimately help you tap into your ancestral wisdom. You will tap into the knowledge passed down by your lineage, and also by your past lives. Listen to what this guide has to share with you.

There may be one wound in particular you want to focus on healing, whether it’s a physical, emotional, or psychological pain; try if you can to dig deep and see if you can tap into the root cause. If you can’t, no problem, but be open to the guidance your teacher has for you. Your most important teacher however, is Spirit. Always listen to your intuition first; never do something that feels out of alignment with your moral compass. Yes your teacher may ask you to do certain things that will make you ‘uncomfortable’ but ask yourself if this step is something that can help. Discomfort isn’t enough reason to stop with the healing process, but if you intuitively feel like something is ‘off’, listen to your gut feeling. Spirit will always lead you where you need to go.

You’re not “healing” because you’re “broken” — this isn’t about fixing you. This is about you getting back to your wholeness — to your original self. You are not broken or incomplete, but you believe you are in some way. The healing isn’t a ‘fix’ but rather an opportunity for you to remember your true self — your true, immortal, Divine self. Your most powerful self. Be willing to shed the old stories and patterns that hold you back from being who you have been since before time.

Have a blessed day all! Please like and share this post.



Blessed Manifestation

Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising. Spiritual Counselor and Energy Healer