Daily Tarot Reading-5/21/2021
Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! Here is your daily tarot reading for May 21st, 2021:
Welcome to Gemini season; an air sign which is all about the mind and communication. The challenging aspect about this season is that it has arrived during an upcoming retrograde of its ruling planet (Mercury), and two eclipses, so things will get very interesting. Take things slow and don’t assume anything.
I mentioned in yesterday’s reading about what to expect during this season, so take a look if you haven’t already. You may feel a mercurial quality to his season; oscillating back and forth between opposite states — being happy one moment and possibly upset the next. Always question what is real and factual for you, and leave the rest to the side. If you don’t have proof or evidence to back your claims, better to not assume anything. Communication may be wonky and misconstrued at this time, so be very discerning of what you speak or write, about yourself and others. This path we’re on is better walked on gently. Let “slow and steady” be your motto.
That’s not to say you won’t be gifted with wonderful opportunities or occurrences; there is always hope for miracles. But sometimes miracles are wrapped in conflict, or conclusions. Don’t take any ending that happens this season as “the end”; it is all a new beginning. Think of this season as the cocoon; we will eventually emerge like new.
Don’t take yourself or anything happening around you too seriously. Your best tool this season will be laughter. Sometimes it’s better to laugh at your troubles and smile on gloomy days, because you know they won’t last forever. Give yourself permission to let go of what isn’t working in your life, to make space for greater blessings.
You will have pockets of deep clarity this season, and when it happens, be sure to take note. Write down those ideas and strategies that come to mind, to implement them at a better time. Pursuits of the mind will be blessed this season, so if there’s a skill you’ve been wanting to learn, take the steps to get started.
Have a blessed day all! Don’t forget to share the daily tarot reading with your networks!