Daily Tarot Reading-4/7/2021

Blessed Manifestation
3 min readApr 7, 2021


Good morning Blessed Manifestation family! I mentioned in yesterday’s reading that some of you may be down because of a recent loss, specifically related to your projects and goals. Possibly things did not pan out the way you wanted them to. Today’s message is to “cut your losses”. Whatever hasn’t worked out is done (at least for now) so it’s time to move on. However you decide to handle this situation will have a lasting affect, so choose wisely.

Because we’re in Aries season, your first instinct may be to challenge this loss — you may not be accepting of it and want to do whatever possible to have things work out your way. There is a bit of an aggressive energy right now, so if you’re looking to get into a fight over this, just know that you won’t win. All you’ll end up doing is chasing your tail. Use your energy instead towards another project or goal. That’s not to say this one won’t ever work out, but it is not meant to be for now.

You have every reason to be hopeful though because oftentimes when we are blocked a certain path, it’s because we are meant to take another one, and usually those lead to greater rewards. Again, you can go in circles trying to figure out why things didn’t work out, or you can choose to find the blessing in this situation. I recently had a discussion with a friend about a project that did not pan out for her, and she was so upset about it. It triggered feelings of failure in her. I get how in the moment you can’t see anything else or even think of something better coming along. I get it. But rather than allowing these emotions to take over, just allow them to pass. Don’t let this one moment ruin your next destination. Trust that something better is working in your favor.

Take a moment today to catch your breath; don’t take any quick actions today or make any major decisions. I highly recommend getting into a meditative state, not only for grounding, but also to check in with your Spirit team. If you are someone who can easily identify the messages your spiritual family sends your way, then ask them why things didn’t work out for you. Many times our Angels intervene on our behalf when they see we are entering into danger zones, or circumstances which will have negative outcomes. They try their best to get our attention. Use this pause in momentum to tune in and see what they have to tell you. This weekend’s New Moon will have fresher ideas and opportunities for you. Don’t allow this temporary setback (disappointment) to deplete you. Treat yourself with love and kindness; you are doing the best you can in every way.

Have a blessed day all!



Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.