August 5 to August 11, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast
This week starts with the energy of a blessed New Moon in Leo which is helping us clarify what we truly desire, in order to pursue it with confidence. Check the Leo placements in your astrological chart for clues on which areas of your life are being renewed.
With respect to the energy of the collective, we’re being asked to see our material circumstances from a different perspective — maybe things aren’t as dire as they seem. This message especially applies if you’ve been struggling financially — there is a blessing in disguise here that you are overlooking. Leo energy is illuminating the path forward towards greater abundance. Spirit also wants you to know that just because things aren’t exactly the way you want them to be, doesn’t mean your cups are filled in other ways. Gratitude for your current blessings will help you out of any place of lack.
Beginning of the week:
This is a wonderful time of reclamation of power — a restoration of any power lost, whether intentional or not. Many of you have allowed other people or circumstances to undermine your innate power, but thankfully you have…