August 19 to August 25, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast
Blessings to us all on this new week and Full Moon in Aquarius! Mama Moon is helping us to usher in a time of victory — reaping rewards for our labors. And we also end Leo season and enter into Virgo season, bringing with her the material support we’ve been seeking!
This week will be wonderful for long-term financial planning, entrepreneurship, and investments. Because Mercury is still in retrograde, this week is more about strategizing and research rather than implementation. I also see new job or business opportunities heading towards those of you who’ve been in need for so long. This material support will grant us greater financial stability as we enter into an Earth sign.
Beginning of the week:
Surrender to the infinite possibilities of the Universe! Things are working out beautifully, just maybe not in the way you had planned. You can have what you want but what you can’t control is the form in which your manifestations take…