A Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Protection: learn how to protect your energy

Blessed Manifestation
3 min readMar 7, 2023


An evil eye image with the blog post title A Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Protection

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There are many ways to achieve spiritual protection and oftentimes this is a very misunderstood concept. So what is spiritual protection anyway?

It’s a way to protect your energy (vibration/frequency) by cleansing, banishing, or shielding. Spiritual protection is a form of spiritual hygiene. Think about it this way, when you don’t cleanse your body you will be funky, right? The same holds true in the unseen; our energies can get heavy when not regularly cleansed. This can cause you to feel sluggish, lazy, confused, or even in a state of anxiousness or panic. Maintaining your spiritual hygiene can also protect you from energy vampires and other malevolent spirits, as well as toxic energies (hexes, evil eyes, etc).

Who needs spiritual protection?

Everyone, but especially folks who consider themselves to be empaths or highly sensitive to energies, or are in a highly visible career (a celebrity or influencer). You might be thinking “I already pray so I’m protected” but I urge you to consider that if everyone who prayed was already fully protected, then nothing bad would ever happen to those people. Truth is, bad things happen even to good people. Prayer is amazing but in my opinion not enough, especially if you are sensitive to energies, live in a big city or with a lot of people, or work in a heavy energy kind of environment.

Energy is not good or bad; we determine how we use the energies within and around us. If someone has the intention to send you harm and their energy is more dominant than yours, then their negative intentions can cause you harm if you’re not shielded.

I’ll share some easy and quick ways to get you started; these are techniques I’ve used myself, among others. You can make your spiritual protection (spiritual hygiene) routine as simple or as complex as you’d like; it’s up to you. I also want to note that depending on your spiritual lineage, some items may not work for you, so do your research. Always try something and if it doesn’t work for you, try something else. Some spirits, for example, are unaffected by tools like Sage or Palo Santo. The more you amplify your spiritual protection work, the more experienced you’ll become with what works, depending on the circumstance.

Let me break down a way to spiritually protect yourself, according to the elements:


Spiritual baths are my favorite way to use the water element for spiritual protection and cleansing. There are many different types of waters which can be used: Florida Water or other spiritual colognes, Holy Water, Moon Water, or herbal baths. Some folks even use rain or storm water for their rituals.

I have a small spray bottle that I carry with me which has Florida Water and Holy Water. I quickly spritz myself whenever I have a ‘heavy’ conversation or encounter, and I especially spritz myself upon entering my home. It’s a quick way to ‘sanitize’ my energy.

At least once per month I highly recommend taking a spiritual bath; you can soak in a bath tub, do a foot bath, or douse yourself in a prepared bath, if you don’t have a tub. The bitter repels and the sweet attracts, so use bitter herbs whenever you want to cleanse your energy. Again, you can make this as simple or as intricate as you’d like.

Here’s a simple spiritual bath recipe…

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Blessed Manifestation

Afro-Latina, Psychic Energy Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. I teach folks about spiritual protection and post weekly Tarot forecasts.